我们的心理健康讲座和午餐学习研讨会专注于促进员工的心 理健康。它们可以面对面或虚拟地交付。
CSR Starts From Within
33% of Gen Z and millennial workers have turned down a job offer because the company didn’t align with their personal ethics.
据估计,香港每 7 人中就有 1 人会在任何特定时间出现常见的精神障碍。
您知道吗 - 对于那些遇到心理健康状况/挑战的人,几乎 75% 的人不寻求任何专业帮助。许多人因耻辱感、羞耻感、对自身状况缺乏认识以及缺乏可获得的专业支持而孤立无援。
Our Corporate Social Responsibility Services Include:
• Work-Life Balance and Work-Life Harmony Workshops to Improve Employee Wellness
• Workplace Wellness Workshops & Webinars to deliver Equal Access to Wellbeing
Resources across Physical, Virtual and Hybrid Workspaces
• Reducing risk of Burnout in a high-pressure work environment
• Training Employees in Stress Management and Resilience to cope with the volatility and challenges of the 21st century and Future of Work
• Employee Engagement and Team Building Activities for Employees to Bond with Colleagues working from home and from different parts of the world
• Improve Employee Relations: Applying Positive Psychology and the Science of Happiness to Create a Sense of Belonging and Positive Workplace Culture
• Corporate Fitness, Yoga and Dance Programs to Improve Physical Fitness
• Consulting Services to Develop and Improve your Organization’s CSR Wellness Strategy: Internal Initiatives, External Community Projects, Philanthropy and Public Relations
• Wellness Training for Human Resources, People Management, Managers, Executives and Business Leaders
Becoming Partners and Collaborating on a
Community Project that addresses a Social Cause
- 培养对心理健康的认识和理解,重点关注常见的心理健康问题,如抑郁、焦虑和压力。
- 将心理健康视为一项权利而不是一种奢侈品——不正常也没关系。
- 为参与者提供应对心理健康挑战的技能和资源
If your company has already decided on a social cause or target group that your company, we are open to discussion about implementing the collaboration / partnership.
要了解更多信息,請 聯繫我們
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Special Rates apply for NGOs
and Social Enterprises