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由 6 部分组成的研讨会系列,涵盖公共演讲的基础知识,并提供学生在课堂上练习的活动。 适合中小学生,作为 OLE(其他学习体验)或英语提升课程。 学校还可以组织研讨会系列,在比赛前或作为一般学习活动培训学生。









Some of our Workshops include:


  • Soft Skills Training

  • How to Shine on Stage

  • Building Confidence & Overcoming Stage Fright

  • Content & Organization

  • Speech Writing

  • Delivery Skills

  • The Power of One’s Voice

  • Body Language

  • Presentation Skills

  • Pitching Skills

  • Impromptu Speaking

  • Storytelling Skills

  • Pillars of Persuasion - Ethos, Pathos and Logos

  • Debate Coaching

  • Nailing Virtual Presentations

  • Argumentation & Rebuttals

  • The Art of Evaluation,

  • Informative, Narrative, Persuasive and Inspirational Speeches

Confidence Building Workshop

at Ho Man Tin Government Secondary School

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Skill-Based Training Programs / Workshops include: 


  • Nailing HKDSE Individual Response: Applying Impromptu Speaking & Tackling Common Topics

  • School-Based Assessments (SBA)

  • Group Discussions 

  • Emcee Training / MC Training

  • News Anchoring 

  • English Enhancement Programs

Interview Skills Package for Schools


Confidence Building & Interview Skills: 2 Part-Workshop Series

in collaboration with We the Solution and Po On Commercial Association Wan Ho Kan Primary School.

Interview Skills Workshop:

Our Interview Skills Workshop covers confidence building, and a 4-Step Process to prepare for interviews to stand out from the crowd. We share tips to nail individual interviews, group discussions and virtual interviews. We also discuss impromptu speaking and tackling tricky interview questions that are commonly asked.

Resume Review & Mock Interviews & Cover Letter Writing + Editing

Group Coaching / Individual Coaching Services

Our Coaching Services include Cover Letter & Resume Review as well as Mock Interviews. Our trainers provide personalized feedback and coaching to help your students reach their goals.

Contest Coaching Services 

Organize a Public Speaking / Debate Competition at Your School

Contest Coaching Services include:


  • Speech Festival Workshops & Coaching Services (Poem / Text / Topic Analysis & 1:1 / Group Coaching Sessions)


  • Package for Schools: Preparing Your Students for a Public Speaking / Debating Competition including Workshops & Topic Analysis & Speech Editing & Individual / Group Coaching Sessions


  • English Speech Festival Preparation Course 

Organize a Public Speaking / Debating Contest / English Activities at Your School:

  • Invite us as adjudicators for a Public Speaking / Debating Competition / Friendly Match


  • Package for Schools: Combine Workshops & Contest


  • English Week / Language Learning / Extra-Curricular Activities 

Student Workshops & Debate Teacher Training at Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College

Our 3 finalists from Ho Fung College at the Hong Kong Student Story Slam

Customized Packages

Pick The Format that Best Meets Your Goals & Get a Free Quotation

public speaking debate coaching workshop toastmasters speech festival 21st century cup training
public speaking debate coaching workshop toastmasters speech festival 21st century cup training

Our Team will schedule a call with your school's English teachers to discuss the challenges students face and work out a Customized Training Program Package with workshops that would best address these challenges.

In addition to the workshops, students will receive individualized feedback and coaching. Public Speaking is a skill that comes with practice. This is why we help Schools organize Speech Contests and invite Hong Kong's most renowned public speakers to serve as judges and inspire today's youth to become better speakers, and better leaders. 

Our most common formats include:

  • Class

  • Workshops

  • Semester / Year-long Training Program / Course

  • English Enhancement Program

  • Coaching Services (Individual Coaching and Group Coaching)

  • Face-To-Face / Virtual / Hybrid Training Sessions

  • OLE Other Learning Experience

  • ECA Extracurricular activity

  • LWL Lifewide Learning

  • Summer Camps

  • Post-Exam Activities

  • English Week / English Festival / Language Learning Activities

  • Holiday Classes

joy pamnani public speaking debate communication leadership toastmasters

认识你的教练:Joy Pamnani

Joy Pamnani 是 Inspire2Aspire Consulting 的一名沟通和最佳绩效培训师兼首席创新官,拥有超过 6 年的设计和提供面向中小学、企业、非政府组织和 Toastmasters 的软技能培训的经验。 她曾代表学校、大学和香港参加各种演讲比赛


- 辅导了来自 50 多所学校和大学的 5,000 多名学生进行公共演讲

- 自 2017 年起担任 Toastmaster。角色包括部门培训师和香港大学校长
- 校园 Toastmasters 青年领导力计划协调员和培训师

- 获奖公众演说家

- Toastmasters District 89 桌面主题冠军 (2019/20)

- 香港大学英语演讲比赛(亚军)

- 世界学者杯 - 辩论个人荣誉榜第七名(高级组)(2014)



Click here to download our Public Speaking Workshop Catalogue

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Schools We Have Worked With

inspire2aspire testimonials apr 2023
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